Warcraft 3 Styler Download

Warcraft 3 Styler (WC3 Styler) is an application that can change Warcraft 3 appearance, apply 3D background, select game music, modify In-game User Interface, and choose game music playlist.

Warcraft 3 Styler - WC3 Styler

How to install and use Warcraft 3 Styler:
  • Download the Wc3styler.zip
  • Extract content into any folder
  • Find and run Wc3styler.exe
  • Select desired 3D background, In-game User Interface, Game Music, and click "to all races" check-box
  • Start Warcraft 3

  • Close Warcraft 3 and map editor before running this program.
  • To restore the default settings, tick the check the box on top of each tab.

Wc3 Styler Download: